Hello fans, (110 of you),
Tomorrow, Tuesday 24th October is a huge day!
The book I have been working on for over 3 and a half years will finally be released into the world.
Tumorous Hesticles – Just Say Cancer will be available on October 24th exclusively on Amazon. In Paperback! Yes the actual book book, to hold in your hands.
I’ve had some tremendous support so far and it’s very humbling, especially as no one has read a word of it yet.

I hope this book can make an impact and inspire thousands of people around the world when facing the most turbulent time of their lives.
The book about testicular cancer can be read by anyone that has been affected including the family members, friends and partners of those with cancer.
To purchase the book:
- Head to Amazon (wherever you are in the world)
- Search ‘Tumorous Hesticles – Just Say Cancer by Af Marseh’
- Add to basket
- Buy
- Leave a review once you have read it 5* if possible.
Thank you for what has been a mad journey so far.
I’m excited for what the next chapter might bring.
Please share this information with anyone that you think might find it useful.
If you’d like any photos to share in Whatsapp groups, social media, with friends then please see the photo above and below.
Speak to you all tomorrow.
Af x